According to me, luck
hasn’t got a role to play in the movie titled ‘life’. To achieve the fruit of
success in our lives, all we need is some amount of intelligence, hard work,
patience and of course failure. Have i omitted the word 'luck'?? No, i haven't.
According to me luck is a word which cannot be used throughout. (Of course if you
are not the lucky one to have won a lottery worth 25 lakhs in a lucky draw
contest and a viscous crowd of people is just jealously staring at you). Even
if we get lucky some time, doesn't mean we will remain lucky forever. Reaching
the top with superfluous amount of luck is intricating but possible; however the
opulence of staying on top will not last forever. Staying on top is regarded as
the most difficult task and it cannot happen if we use luck as our staircase. You
will soon realise your mistake and will suffer from intense mortification of
not sensing it earlier.
"Two roads diverged
in the woods and i took the one less travelled by, and that has made all the
difference". A famous line by Robert Frost which implies that no short cut
paths are available to reach the top and luck will certainly not help us if
hard work is meant to be ignored by you. Sure there will be several hindrances,
tumultuous situations to prove us wrong but the one surviving the harsh
condition emerges as the winner. The amount of hard work is directly
proportional to the amount of luck we will have. Even Charles Darwin’s
primordial theory ‘Survival of the fittest’ implies the same. The individual
well adapted to the current environment will survive more than the rest. So
break all the barriers. Fly high. And never use luck as your walking stick to
climb up the mountain of success.
# Stay calm
# Never Give Up !!
it is always a combination of 90% hardwork and 10%luck