Now, this is one of the most
sensitive topic today. Different people, different opinion. (So read these
opinions presented in a summarized and anorexic way too).
Opinion: Not in Favour
Well, let me support my view
with the help of an example. Suppose there is some movie titled 'XYZ', which
released this Friday and it's vulgar i.e. a lot of double meaning jokes are
implanted to entertain the audience. Now if you are a 'Brahmachari' type, you
will not watch it. (Strong moral principles !!) But I am sure you will not do something to ban it. You simply can't
ban something which you don't like. You watch it or you don't, but let others
decide what they want to do. There is not a single hint of intricacy provided
here. The same logic applies to the topic on which I am writing. I would also
like to add that beef, being a very rich source of protein is essential in some
parts of India, where adequate and proper quality of food is not available. How
will people of that region survive ?
Person X:
Opinion: Not in Favour
What one eats is their own
personal choice. One group forcing their thoughts on others never works out for
anyone. Living in a democratic country gives everyone the freedom to choose
what they want to do or eat. Beef ban is totally against the basic rights provided
by our democratic constitution. Also, we need to be a little more tolerable to
other people's thoughts and sentiments irrespective of which section, group or
religion they belong to. We should try to coexist.
Although I would not comment on the above topic but yet it seems all the democratic rights and secularism will be completed just being opponents of a particular race or the group I.e too in India ( the majority) . well I will be considered fanatic and orthodox in this case. That's all happening today.