Now this is a veritable competition- between the two giants which perform a very crucial role to ensure the fact that our soul doesn't leave our body and keeps our skeleton in working position. The first one being a four chambered bodily muscular organ which pumps blood i.e. our heart, and the other one being the main organ of our central nervous system i.e. our brain. A person is quite blissful, as long as these two organs are functioning properly. (After all these are the two necessary organs to keep the body in an equipoised condition). But there are often many situations in our lives when these two organs are standing on two sides of a river and refuse to negotiate and even a strong gust is unable to suppress them.
Some Mr. X will come and say," Hey dude, do anything in your life to taste the fruit of success, but never and ever listen to your heart. This pumping source will introduce you to the 'unwanted' sentiments, which must be neglected by each and every judicious person. On the path of success, make sure you never follow your heart, otherwise you might be lost along with the 'The hounds of Baskerville'.
Then Mr. Y will arrive and try his best to prove that he is truly an antonym of Mr. X. He will say," Hey dude, don't listen to him. This sadistic person is not meant to be trusted. Follow your heart and discover astonishing facts on your way to the 'Everest'. Morever you can't transform into a recluse on this path, otherwise there will be no one to celebrate with, after you achieve this name,fame and recognition.
Then it's the time for Mr. Z to enter who will stop this futile exercise and will lighten a candle in this tumultuous situation. " Stop fighting, you two. Enough of this nonsense. What human behaviour truly needs is a combination of his heart and his mind. While the former enables a person to think practically ; the latter ensures to be an emotional idol whenever needed. Always be the master of your mind and listen to your heart first."
Even though Mr. X, Y and Z are hypothetical characters in my blog, still i would like to know " Do you agree with Mr. Z" ????
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