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Saturday 5 July 2014

In favour of Sharapova !!

PS: ( No offence intended. This is just my viewpoint. I understand that cricket is a very emotional topic in india and many might disagree with this. Here i begin....).
Hockey, as we all know is the national sport of india but when it comes to cricket, things gradually shifts into another planet as it's a matter of life and death in india. Cricket in india only leads to one word- SACHIN TENDULKAR, the world's best batsman of all time. This man has just filled the book with his tremendous records. The first man to score a double century in ODIs, the first man to score hundred centuries in internationals ( 49 in ODIs and 51 in test matches ), the very same person to be awarded with  Padma Shri, Padma Vibhushan, arjuna award, and most recently with india's highest civilian honour-Bharat Ratna.( There are lots more but i have to stop here otherwise my blog might become a gigantic one).  Someone said, "God wanted to play, so sachin was born".( Epic dialogue, if you ask me). No doubt, sachin has been india's pride for the last 24 years.
                                 However when it comes to cricket we often forget replace our normal behaviour with an imperceptible one. Controversy soon arised when the tennis star Maria Sharapova during a press conference, (Wimbledon going on) suprised the media when she declared the fact that she doesn't know about sachin. (Should have kept the secret to herself ). The news spread like an intense fire in the woods (even faster), and soon she was the subject of constant abuse in india and facebook was floated with atrocious comments for the tennis star. It seemed as if the whole india was busy trolling sharapova. Some people even stated the fact that how their crush on maria turned into a volcano of rage and anger.
                                   Now here is a simple question for those abusing maria- How many of you know what is the national sport of bhutan ?? ( mmmm ). Ok, i will tell you. It's archery. Now just tell me the top five names associated with this sport. Or rather you pick up any other game say ice hockey, squash, etc and repeat the same process. What is the ultimate result ?? You might just have to google these things out. Are you people aware of the fact that most of our players ( who have won several medals in the past ) run a sweet shop today ?? Certainly not. Similarly what is the big deal if maria is unaware of the god of cricket ?? Reason might be straight forward- She is rather not a die hard of cricket and so sachin is a unfamiliar term for her. So we need to drag these minute things out of our daily routine and concentrate on the  bigger issues, otherwise the ramifications might get catastrophic some time. Don't get too much attached with the game that you can't distinguish between good, bad and the ugly.

1 comment:

  1. well written buddy!! even I wrote a similar post. well said. i m wid u. good!

